Information for this site is taken from multiple sources. Invaluable are: The Danbury Evening News, The Danbury News, The Danbury NewsTimes, Danbury Land Records ( Grantee and Grantor), Danbury Probate Court Records, Danbury Death Records, US Census Records, The Western Druggist, The Druggists Circular and Chemical Gazette, The American Druggist, Connecticut Motor Vehicle Registries, Danbury City Directories (1873 through 1967), The American Bottler, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Danbury Ct (1884 through 1918), The Putnam County Courier, Pawling Chronicle, Merck’s Market Report, Memphis Medical Monthly, Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, The Federal Reporter (Volume 71), The Connecticut Magazine. The Happy Accident by Robert Manning, Collier’s Illustrated Weekly, The Chemist and Druggist, The History of Ulster County New York, Holyoke: Past, Present… Souvenir 1910, Bridgeport Harold, The Soda Fountain: Floats, Sundaes, Egg Cream & More, Bulletin of Pharmacy, Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, Katonah Times, Brewster Standard, The Sun.  In addition, the following website has been of immense value: Historic Bottle Website  Also a special thanks to Brigid, Michele and Diane at The Danbury Museum and Historical Society. Without their guidance, expertise, knowledge and resources, this website would have never been possible.